Registration for 2025 KAGE Conference

Planning on attending the KAGE 2025 Annual Conference? We have set the date and place: February 10 – 11, 2025, at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington. 

Reserve your room through the link below.

Book your hotel room for Kentucky Association for Gifted Education Annual Conference Feb2025

2024 KAGE Conference

Call for Nominations

Thank you for your membership and support of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE).  KAGE is currently seeking nominations for the role of President-Elect and District 5 Representative on the KAGE Board of Directors.  Any KAGE member in good standing is eligible to nominate/self-nominate for these positions. The nomination window will remain open through Wednesday, July 31 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CT.  A slate of eligible candidates will be assembled in time for an election in August.  Results will be ratified at the Fall KAGE Board Meeting in September, and service will begin at the business meeting at the Annual Conference in February.  All members of the Board of Directors, to include elected positions, must be members in good standing with KAGE at the time of their nomination and election or appointment, and remain so throughout their terms.

The responsibilities of District Representatives are to:

  1. Represent their congressional districts.
  2. Serve as liaisons between their districts’ chapters and constituents and KAGE to further KAGE initiatives.
  3. Serve as legislative contact managers for the district by providing a direct contact with district legislators and promoting legislative contact by constituents in the district.
  4. Work with the KAGE Legislative Liaison.
  5. Encourage membership in KAGE from their congressional districts.

District Representative Nomination Form


The responsibilities of the President-Elect are to:

  1. Work closely with the President to learn the duties of the presidency.
  2. Chair the Election and Nominations Committee in alternate years when there is no Past President.
  3. Represent KAGE to other associations, groups, and organizations as requested by the Board and the President.
  4. Preside at meetings of the Board in the absence of the President.
  5. Participate in the annual review of the Executive Director’s performance and determine compensation and other financial arrangements for the Executive Director.

This will be a one-year role that transitions into a 2-year Presidency, followed by a 1-year role as Past President (for a total commitment of 4-years

President Elect Nomination Form

Thank you,

KAGE Nominations and Elections Committee

Statement Condemning Racism

The Kentucky Association for Gifted Education condemns all forms of racism and is committed to working with our membership and the community at large to do everything within our power to end racism and the injustices associated with racism in all forms.