Videos about Gifted and Talented Education

Here are some videos of interest to educators and families of gifted children. This list is non-comprehensive, and will be updated as often as possible. If you know of a site listed below that has changed or no longer exists, please contact the KAGE office at

Can Gifted Education Survive the Common Core?

02/24/2015 – As Common Core gathers speed in forty-three states and DC, what does it mean for high-ability students and gifted-and-talented education?  Some contend that higher standards for all mean gifted education is no longer necessary for some. Others insist that increasing the rigor of classes will automatically serve high achievers well. Some claim that differentiated instruction does the trick, while others worry that the country’s ablest students will lose what little claim they presently have on curriculum and instruction suited to their needs. Panelists are Tricia Ebner, Jonathan Plucker, and Rena Subotnik.

Support Gifted Education 

A promotional video produced by Western Kentucky University’s Department of Public Broadcasting. When you invest in gifted children, you invest in the best possible future. Support gifted education!

Gifted Education: Let’s Do It!

An overview of the importance of programs for young people who are gifted and talented. Educators, administrators, and professionals from across Kentucky weigh in on what needs to be done to support young people who are gifted and talented.

The Center for Gifted Studies at WKU

A collection of videos about all the wonderful things happening through The Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University.

The Top Ten Myths in Gifted Education  An excellent video produced by the Maryland Department of Education.

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