KAGE membership is important, numbers count!
Strong membership is especially important when advocating with decision makers regarding appropriate educational opportunities for gifted and talented children. A membership in KAGE is an investment in advocacy efforts with our state and federal legislators. Be an advocate for gifted programs and gifted children!
“The lifeblood of our success has been and will always be membership. Advocacy requires members who believe in opportunities for gifted and talented students. It is hard for a general to fight a war without soldiers. Also it is hard to replace attitudes of apathy and indifference with enthusiasm and support without dedicated members willing to go the extra mile.”
Dan Reeder, A Past President of KAGE
How do I Join KAGE?
How do I join KAGE?
KAGE is made of interested citizens like you. Won’t you join us as we work to improve opportunities for gifted and talented youth?
Why join KAGE?
- Tangible benefits of membership include:
- subscription to the KAGE Update, a quarterly newsletter with articles from leading educators in the field of gifted education, updates on federal and state legislative announcements, scholarship announcements, registrations forms for KAGE events, calendars of events, checklists for parents, and much more.
- discounts on registration for KAGE events, including Annual Conference, Summer Workshop, and Social/Emotional Needs for Gifted Students, a workshop for parents and educators.
Your fees also pay for:
- advocating at state and national levels for more appropriate educational opportunities for high ability students,
- representing to state education personnel and government officials, as well as state organizations, the needs of children who are gifted and talented,
- providing workshops and conferences that bring together educators, parents, and community members to expand the understanding of giftedness and the needs of these high ability children and youth, and
- providing up-to-date information to members through the website, listserv, and the KAGE Update!
SAVE! Join KAGE for two years and save $5! A one-year membership is $30 and a two-year membership is $55.
last updated 06/10/2024