• Looking for quality professional learning opportunities for your educators, administrators, counselors, or parents?
• Trying to stretch an almost nonexistent professional development budget?
• Do we have a deal for you!
Experts in our state and beyond have volunteered their services to provide professional learning experiences, tailoring the material to fit your audience and purpose.
What is the cost?
• One-to three-hour workshop $400
• Four-to six-hour workshop $800
• Most speakers will also require travel expenses
What are the topics? (If you have another need, just ask.)
Apps for Gifted Learners
Best Practices in Identification Practices
Building Critical and Divergent Thinking
Characteristics of Gifted Learners
Designing Inquiry Lessons in Social Studies
Development of the Gifted Student
Early Childhood
Gifted Education 101
Gifted and Poverty
Handbook Revisions for the GT Coordinator
Highly/Profoundly Gifted
Instructional Strategies
Identification in the Arts
Identification in Creativity
Identifying and Nurturing Traditionally Underrepresented Populations
Integrating Literacy Strategies in Social Studies
Multi-Discipline Differentiation
Multi-District Services
PBL in Social Studies
Primary Talent Pool: Identification and Services
Services in Social Studies Cluster Grouping
Service Options for Gifted Learners
Social-Emotional Issues
Standards-Based Differentiation
Starting a KAGE Chapter
Tiered Instruction
Twice-Exceptional Students
How does it work?
Simply complete this FORM (click here) indicating topic of workshop, target audience, amount of time, and possible dates and times. The KAGE Foundation will do the rest.
100% of the proceeds goes to the KAGE Foundation which provides financial assistance to qualified Kentucky students who, because of financial need, would otherwise be unable to participate in the summer gifted programs offered by Kentucky’s public universities.
Please act soon. Limited opportunities are available.
last updated 03/03/2021
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