
The Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE), officially organized in 1979, is a non-profit volunteer group of parents, teachers, administrators, other educators, and all citizens interested in promoting appropriate educational opportunities for gifted and talented youth in Kentucky.

This association seeks to

  • support appropriate educational opportunities for gifted and talented students;

  • respond proactively to current educational initiatives as they relate to gifted and talented students;

  • encourage the improvement of educational services to all students, including those that are gifted and talented;

  • offer training for parents and teachers of gifted and talented students; (See Events)

  • create strategic partnerships that enable KAGE to reach out to key constituencies and more broadly communicate important messages related to high potential youth;

  • support appropriate educational opportunities for gifted and talented students,

  • disseminate information about opportunities for gifted and talented students as well as for parents and teachers of these students;

  • inform the general public of the needs of gifted and talented students;

  • assist parents, all educators, and public officials in identifying and assessing resources to meet the needs of students who are gifted and talented;

  • provide scholarship assistance to qualified students participating in summer gifted programs offered by Kentucky Universities; and (See Foundation)

  • secure permanent state funding and legislation to provide appropriate education for the gifted and talented students in every school district in Kentucky.

Elected officers and a geographically representative board of directors conduct the business of KAGE. Click here for a list of KAGE Officers and the Board of Directors.

 Click here  to download the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan for KAGE (3 pages).

last updated 09/02/2015

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