Kentucky Association for Gifted Education

District Board Member Nomination

Board Member Responsibilities:       

It shall be the duty of the Board Members to

  1. Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by the By-laws;

  2. Appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws, prescribe the duties and fix the compensation, if any, of all officers, agents, and employees of the corporation;

  3. Supervise all officers, agents, and employees of the association to assure that their duties are performed properly;

  4. Evaluate the performance of the executive director and staff through the use of information including by not limited to formal performance evaluation every two years.

  5. Register their addresses, and e-mail addresses with Secretary of the association, and understand that notices of meetings transmitted to them at such addresses shall be valid notices thereof;

  6. Be the administrative and policy-making body of the association and exercise general supervision and control over the property and affairs of the association.

  7. Serve as advocate and liaison for parents of gifted students within their district and across the state.

KAGE Board of Directors Expectations:        

All members of the KAGE Board are expected to

The responsibilities of District Representatives are to:

  1. Represent their congressional districts.
  2. Serve as liaisons between their districts’ chapters and constituents and KAGE to further KAGE initiatives.
  3. Serve as legislative contact managers for the district by providing a direct contact with district legislators and promoting legislative contact by constituents in the district.
  4. Work with the KAGE Legislative Liaison.
  5. Encourage membership in KAGE from their congressional districts.

District Representative Nomination Form

The responsibilities of the President-Elect are to:

  1. Work closely with the President to learn the duties of the presidency.
  2. Chair the Election and Nominations Committee in alternate years when there is no Past President.
  3. Represent KAGE to other associations, groups, and organizations as requested by the Board and the President.
  4. Preside at meetings of the Board in the absence of the President.
  5. Participate in the annual review of the Executive Director’s performance and determine compensation and other financial arrangements for the Executive Director.

This will be a one-year role that transitions into a 2-year Presidency, followed by a 1-year role as Past President (for a total commitment of 4-years).

President Elect Nomination Form