KAGE Annual Conference 2019, February 25-26, 2019
PARENT NIGHT at the KAGE Conference 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019, 7:00 – 8:30 pm (Eastern Time)
A session designed to provide parents with information and ideas to use in parenting their gifted children.
(Co-Sponsored by LexKAGE)
Parenting the Perfectionist
with Emily Mofield, EdD,
About Dr. Mofield’s program:
Does your child get upset if he gets less than an A? Does she get consumed with self-doubt after turning in homework? Is your child overly self-critical and insecure, even though she has a long-list of accomplishments and accolades? Learn insights about perfectionism as it relates to gifted children and their unique characteristics. During this session, parents will learn about several ideas to help gifted children tackle fear, shame, and identity associated with the striving for perfection.
EMILY MOFIELD, EdD, is an assistant professor in the College of Education at Lipscomb University. Her background includes 15 years experience teaching gifted students and leading gifted services. Emily currently serves as the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Chair for Curriculum Studies. She is a National Board Certified Teacher in language arts and has been recognized as the Tennessee Association for Gifted Children Teacher of the Year. She has been recognized with numerous NAGC curriculum awards for coauthored units with Tamra Stambaugh (Space, Structure, and Story [2017], I, Me, You, We: Individuality Versus Conformity [2016], Perspectives of Power [2015], and In the Mind’s Eye: Truth Versus Perception [2012]). She has authored several research articles on the social-emotional needs of gifted students and has received the NAGC Hollingworth Award for excellence in research (with Megan Parker Peters). Emily regularly presents professional development addressing the social-emotional needs of gifted learners and implementing effective differentiation strategies for advanced learners for school districts and special groups.
PARENT NIGHT REGISTRATION is FREE. We do ask that if you are not attending the KAGE Conference you pre-register HERE.
CONFERENCE ATTENDEES – Parent Night is included in your conference registration!
Click HERE to register online for Parent Night 2019.
Click HERE to download a flier about Parent Night 2019.
KAGE is offering a special opportunity for parents to attend the annual conference. Fees for the KAGE 2019 Annual Conference on February 25-26 will be half-price for parents and guardians of gifted children. Please note: you may not be a certified employee of any educational system to take advantage of this offer. For more information, contact the KAGE office at kage@wku.edu or 270.745.4301.