Kentucky Association for Gifted Education
Summer Workshop 2019
Differentiation for All – Applying Fundamentals of Depth and Complexity to Reach and Teach Gifted Students
with Jan Weaver Lanham, PhD
Monday, June 17, 2019
Bowling Green, KY, Western Kentucky University campus – 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Central Time
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: One of the biggest challenges facing teachers is the need to differentiate in order to meet the range of needs within our classrooms. Participants in this session will explore high level questioning, total participation strategies, flexible grouping strategies, fundamentals of independent study, depth and complexity strategies, twice-exceptional and under-represented gifted students, and more. Bring a set of standards and instructional sequence to be taught and leave with differentiated resources that can be applied to that sequence and across other content or topics of instruction. Plan to be actively involved in designing and sharing resources that impact students and strategies that can be shared with peers.
SPECIAL BONUS! As part of KAGE’s 40th birthday celebration, we’d like to give you a present! Bring a colleague (or two or three) and each one gets a reduced registration rate (see Cost below). Build a professional learning community where you can design and share instructional strategies and practices together.
ABOUT THE PRESENTER: JAN WEAVER LANHAM, PhD, is a private educational consultant, a past KAGE President, and currently on the KAGE Board. Dr. Lanham is an inaugural member of the Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame and has a vast background in gifted education, doing extensive professional development for educators working with gifted students.
EILA and conference credit will be available.
COST: KAGE current members: $100, nonmembers $130 (includes a complimentary KAGE membership). If you bring colleagues, they only pay $75 (current members) or $105 (includes a complimentary KAGE membership).
[box type=”info”]Click HERE to register online to attend the workshop.[/box]
LOCATION: (CHANGE as of 06/11/19) The workshop will take place in Gary A Ransdell Hall, room 2002. Parking is available at no charge at the Chestnut Street South Lot. DIRECTIONS AND PARKING: A campus map is HERE – Gary A. Ransdell Hall is building 81 on this map, at the corner of Regents and Normal Streets. You can park free of charge at the Chestnut Street South lot one block away at the intersection of Regents and Chestnut Streets, next to the WKU President’s House. Directions will be emailed to all registered participants.
Please remember that Bowling Green is on Central Time.
If you need a list of hotels in the Bowling Green area please visit the Bowling Green Area Convention Visitors Bureau website at
last updated 06/11/19