For new or experienced educators interested in learning about working with gifted students …
Don’t miss the Update for Educators in Gifted Education Saturday, August 29, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Central Time). This workshop will be online (our first online Update!), and is co-sponsored by Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE) and The Center for Gifted Studies at WKU.
What will you find at Update 2020? Panelists Leann Pickerill, Heather Hicks, and Michael Broadbent will discuss strategies for consideration for gifted students regarding reentry after months of being out of school and starting up with COVID-19 considerations. Dr. Jonathan Plucker, Julian Stanley Endowed Professor at Johns Hopkins University, will discuss equity from the national vantage point. Other timely presentations will be available to update teachers, counselors, and administrators on current issues in gifted education. Click HERE to download a copy of the agenda.
EILA and PD credit available.
There is no charge to attend. To register, fill out the form below, or email kage@wku.edu with your name, school district, and best email to contact you. Confirmation emails with more information about how to join the Update will be sent.
If you have any questions contact the KAGE office at kage@wku.edu or 270.745.4301.
Fill out my online form.
last updated 07/09/2020