Upcoming Webinars, Facebook Live sessions, etc.
- Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners at a Distance – A Focus on Grades 4-8, April 14, 7:00 pm ET. NAGC Webinar https://zoom.us/webinar/register/2815858676638/WN_n4Bie9qxRcinsBwmLKXURA
- Things You Can Do Tomorrow to Help Students Develop Creative Skills for their Lifetime, with Dr. Jonathan Plucker, CAC webinar, April 14, 4 pm Pacific Time. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GIwAlqnnQeaNeC9qR8lpLw
- Prufrock Press Webinar: When Smart Kids Underachieve in School: with Todd Stanley, April 14, 3 pm CT. https://www.prufrock.com/Webinars-When-Smart-Kids-Underachieve.aspx
- Prufrock Press Webinar Inquiry-Based Learning in History, wiht Jana Kirchner & Andrew McMichael, April 21 3 pm CT, https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5oXD55c8Q5CvXnncsxCj3Q
- Minnesota Council for Gifted & Talented (MCGT) Facebook Live CHATS. Every Tuesday in March and April, from 7-7:30 p.m. CDT, join MCGT on their Facebook page for a live chat on various topics, including strategies for completing schoolwork at home with calmness, 2e learner home spaces, ways to increase fun and connection at home, supporting your child’s writing, and more.