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Kentucky Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education
KAGE is pleased to be able to partner with the Kentucky Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education to advocate for gifted and talented children.
Purpose of The Kentucky Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education:
KRS 158.648 establishes and defines the purpose and duties of the State Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education. The governor-appointed council acts in an advisory capacity to formulate and offer recommendations related to services for gifted and talented students. These recommendations are made to the Commissioner of Education, the Kentucky Board of Education and the Education Professional Standards Board. The Council’s recommendations are influential in formulating the policy decisions of these agencies relative to the education of gifted and talented students. The Council meets quarterly as specified in statute; but meets an average of 5-6 times per year.
The 20-member council and three (3) liaisons from Educational Professional Standards Board, Council on Post-secondary Education, and Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) represent a wide variety of stakeholders.
The Council is composed of
• 4 Teachers from within local school districts representing elementary, middle, and high school levels with at least one (1) full-time teacher of gifted and talented students and one (1) full-time teacher who teaches in the regular classroom:
• 4 Parents of students in local school districts, including two (2) parents of students identified as gifted and talented and least one (1) who serves or has served on a school council
• 3 Post-Secondary Education Institutions, including one (1) from an independent college or university
• 1 Superintendent of a local school district
• 2 Principals, including one (1) from an elementary or middle school and one (1) from a high school
• 2 Coordinators of Gifted and Talented Programs and Services in local school districts
• 1 Board of Education Member
• 1 Member from the Visual and Performing Arts Sector
• 1 Member from the Private Business Sector
• A representative from the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education
The Council’s Work:
Each year, the Council determines the most immediate concerns that need to be addressed. Projects that are informative and action-based in scope are developed to meet those needs. The Council has completed the following projects:
• Informational brochures written, designed, and printed by the Council to be used in professional development sessions for teachers and as informational handouts for parents and community members.
• Videos, DVD’s, and PSA’s to create an awareness of the need to provide appropriate educational opportunities for these exceptional children were mass-produced and sent to school districts.
• The Post-Secondary Symposium for professors involved in teacher preparation sponsored to promote an awareness of the need for preservice teachers to learn about the needs of the gifted.
• The Symposium on Kentucky’s Children and Youth Who Are Gifted and Talented sponsored to develop an awareness of the needs of gifted students among community leaders across the state.
• An Issues for Leaders in Gifted Education session held in the fall of each year in conjunction with the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education’s (KAGE) fall workshop.
• Folders containing information on gifted issues that is used to help inform the public about the needs of gifted children.
• As funds allow, sponsors financial assistance to teachers so they may attend summer workshops in gifted and talented education.
• And others as determined by the Council as needs are identified.