40th Annual KAGE Conference - February 24 - 25, 2020
Please join us at the Marriott Griffin Gate in Lexington as we celebrate 40 years of advocacy and service for Kentucky's gifted children and youth and the founding of KAGE. The 2020 KAGE Annual Conference continues the advocacy envisioned by KAGE's founders, featuring two days of presentations from national and state experts on topics and exhibits of interest to educators and parents of gifted children.
Let’s blow out candles, enjoy cake, and celebrate 40 years of advocating, networking, and learning relevant information about the needs of gifted children. Go home challenged and empowered to make a difference.
Keynote Speakers

Colin Seale
Mr. Seale is a critical thinking expert, achievement-gap closing educator, child welfare reformer, rigorous education-for-all advocate, and former attorney who is founder/CEO of thinkLaw—an award-winning program that helps educators teach critical thinking to all students using real-life legal cases and other Socratic and powerful inquiry strategies. Learn more here.

Rick Courtright, PhD
Dr. Courtright is a Gifted Education Research Specialist with the Duke TIP (Talent Identification Program) and is a frequent presenter at conferences, speaking to parents and educators about gifted education. Learn more here.
Registration is now available!
Pre-register for sessions, payment options, and more.
Exhibitors are an important part of the conference experience. This is a great way to showcase your products and services to gifted educators and administrators from across Kentucky and neighboring states.
We will be adding more information in the coming months. CLICK ON GREEN LINKS BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION.
• Presenter Short Video Clips
• Service and Advocacy Awards
• KAGE Distinguished Student Award
• Making a Case to Your Supervisor
• Possible Funding Source
Effective Instructional Leadership (EILA) and Conference Credit available.
The KAGE Service and Advocacy Awards, which provide recognition of exceptional service and/or advocacy in support of educating Kentucky’s gifted and talented children, and the Distinguished Student Award will be presented at the Conference.
We look forward to seeing you in Lexington in 2020!