Conference 2021Presenters - Toddie Adams, Ph.D.
TODDIE ADAMS, Ph.D. is Director of Gifted Services for Marshall County (KY) School District, where she oversees gifted services in the district and works with students, parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and principals to ensure students are properly identified as gifted and receive appropriate gifted services for their unique needs. Dr. Adams consults with teachers K-12 grades at GT/RtI meetings to monitor student progress, help provide strategies for differentiated instruction, provide social and emotional support for students, and support teachers across the district. She consults with gifted students 4-8 grades monthly and with high school students by request. Dr. Adams is Past President of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE), a current KAGE Board member, Chair of the West Kentucky Educational Cooperative GT Coordinator meetings, mentors new GT Coordinators/Teachers in Region 1, collaborates with KDE as Regional Cadre Leader, was an Instructor at Fundación Avanza through Centro Huerta del Rey and the Spanish Ministry of Education, served by appointment of the Governor on the Kentucky State Gifted Advisory Council, and served by invitation from the Commissioner of Education on the Commissioner’s Accountability Steering Committee. She received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from SIU Carbondale, and is the mother of three gifted children.
- Tuesday February 23, 1:00-3:15 pm – Implementing GT/RtI within Gifted Programming
Last updated 01/11/2021