The world of virtual learning and virtual conferences presents many possibilities for creativity and change. We look forward to bringing you an informative and rewarding KAGE 2021 Virtual Conference. While we will miss seeing everyone in person, we are excited about the expanded reach, flexibility, and possibilities that a virtual conference offers. With the 2021 virtual format you will be able to attend sessions with expert state and national presenters, visit vendors, and still learn, share, and network – from the comfort of your classroom, office, or your sofa at home. Keep watching for more information about how you can participate in KAGE Virtual Conference 2021!
For everyone who registered for the KAGE 41st Annual Conference, Renzulli Learning will:
Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli is a leader and pioneer in gifted education and applying the pedagogy of gifted education teaching strategies to all students. The American Psychological Association named him among the 25 most influential psychologists in the world. He received the Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Award for Innovation in Education, considered by many to be “the Nobel” for educators, and was a consultant to the White House Task Force on Education of the Gifted and Talented. His work on the Three Ring Conception of Giftedness, the Enrichment Triad Model and curriculum compacting and differentiation were pioneering efforts in the 1970s, and he has contributed hundreds of books, book chapters, articles, and monographs to the professional literature, many of which have been translated to other languages.
Dr. Joy Lawson Davis is a career educator with over 40 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, writer, researcher & consultant to schools nationwide. Equity in education and gifted education are her areas of special expertise. She has published numerous articles, technical reports, and book chapters and is author of three books, including the award-winning book: Bright, Talented, and Black: A Guide for Families of African American Gifted Learners.
Mr. Seale is a critical thinking expert, achievement-gap closing educator, child welfare reformer, rigorous education-for-all advocate, and former attorney who is founder/CEO of thinkLaw—an award-winning program that helps educators teach critical thinking to all students using real-life legal cases and other Socratic and powerful inquiry strategies.
Last updated 01/22/2021
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