Join KAGE in celebrating February 2022 as Gifted Education Month in Kentucky.  

The Gifted Education Month Proclamation Ceremony will take place on February 2, 2022 at the Capitol Rotunda. This is a great opportunity to bring your students to tour the capitol, meet with your legislators, and participate in the Proclamation Signing ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda. Watch for more details about this event. 

CAPITOL TUNNER POSTER PROJECT: Posters highlighting what districts are doing for their G/T students will be showcased by KAGE for our state legislators in the Capitol Tunnel in Frankfort in February, as well as displayed at the annual KAGE Conference. If you are a District G/T Coordinator, watch for more information about how and what to submit for your District’s poster.   

Click HERE for some suggested activities put together by KAGE board members for Gifted Education Month. Please share with KAGE your ideas and activities taking place in your area – post to social media and tag @KAGEgifted.

Educating parents and district and community leaders on the importance of appropriate educational opportunities for gifted students is particularly critical. Invite parents and community and school leaders into a G/T classroom during this week. Ask them to participate in challenging activities along with gifted students. Possibilities for showcasing gifted students and gifted education are limitless.

Gifted Education Month in Kentucky is a good time to open positive dialogues with key decision makers, parents, local officials, and community members.